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School Principals & Administrators!

Did you know that I do speaking events at schools?

My message is designed for Elementary-level schools but can be adjusted for secondary-level if you'd like. 

I have a 30-minute, interactive presentation called,

"The Laughing Bug &
How To Catch It."

My overall message to students includes:


  • How to laugh and be silly

  • Being creative & problem solving

  • Finding lightheartedness in a heavy world.



My speaking fee is $250 and my presentation is ideal for groups of 40-60 students at a time. I am available to do book signings for parents and families following a school visit.

If you think your students would benefit from this type of presentation, 

Click the button below to access the form and schedule a time. I will contact you and we'll work out the details. 




Children in Classroom
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